We may see them in the streets, on top of our roofs, but do we know where they came from? How much do we really know about these creatures?
歷史 The History
鴿子被譽為「飛天老鼠」、「入侵物種」 已有多年。然而鮮為人知的是,他們曾經是我們心愛的伙伴 - 他們是人類最早馴養的鳥類。作為寵物,用作工具。
Pigeons have been carrying a bad reputation for too many years, being called “flying rats”, “an invasive species”. Yet little did we know, they were once our beloved companions - they were the first species of birds that was domesticated by humans; kept as pets, used as tools.
The rock dove (pigeons) is the world's oldest domesticated bird. Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets mention the domestication of pigeons more than 5,000 years ago, as do Egyptian hieroglyphics.
They make great pets because of their lovable and caring nature. Pigeons are highly adaptable to routines, they actually prefer them! They are easily conditioned and trained, just like pupies!
Pigeon Tower in Katara
貢獻 The Contribution
伊朗的農業於10,000年前首次發展,鴿塔已成為農業經濟的重要組成部分,為瓜,黃瓜和其他需氮作物提供了急需的肥料。對於具有特色的企業,國家甚至向鴿子塔的擁有人徵稅 - 就如向鹽或化石燃料徵稅一樣。
Taking advantage of the low maintenance of pigeons, humans have been using their secretion as fertilisers. For centuries, pigeons played a significant role in the Persian economy and political system.
Farming first evolved in Iran 10,000 years ago, pigeon towers became a crucial part of the agricultural economy, providing much-needed fertiliser for melons, cucumbers, and other nitrogen-demanding crops. With characteristic enterprise, rulers even taxed owners of pigeon towers— the equivalent of taxing salt or fossil fuels.
On top of that, with their high fertility rate, a pair of pigeons can produce up to 100 chicks each year, so human breed them for food as well.
Captain Caiger of the British Army Pigeon Service, holding a carrier pigeon on July 23, 1945.
The ancient humans also discovered the amazing homing ability of the rock pigeons - finding their way home from long distances. In fact, homing pigeons have been known to find their way home from as many as 1,770km away. So, pigeons became messengers. Rock Pigeons carried messages for the U.S. Army Signal Corps during World War I and II, saving lives and providing vital strategic information.
Around 16,000 pigeons were sent out, and 1,000 came back with messages from occupied Europe, even when they’re badly injured.
逐漸地,人類還發現了鴿子驚人的歸巢能力 - 他們能從遠處飛回家。實際上,歸巢的鴿子可以從多達 1,770公里的地方找到回家的路!就是這樣,鴿子成為了信鴿。
大戰期間,大約 16,000 隻鴿子被發出,然後只有 1000 隻附著傷,斷了腿的鴿子成功回來,並帶著歐洲帶回來的消息。
British soldiers release two carrier pigeons during World War II.
Racing pigeons released in the English Midlands: 1992.
放逐 The Exile
隨著社會和生活現代化、農業式微,人類需要鴿子的需求亦大大降低。從人類珍而重之的好夥伴,鴿子被「釋放」, 被放逐到野外「自力更生」。被放逐的,還有沒有價值的賽鴿。(按此了解更多)
With the modernisation of the society, decline of agriculture, pigeons’ contribution are no longer needed. So humans released pigeons upon the belief of ”Nature will take its course”.
With no proper adaptation measures for these birds, pigeons are forced to adjust into being “wild”. Yet after thousands of years of domestication, pigeons had lost their foraging ability, and prefer to stay close to humans.
They modified their diet from being seed eaters, to becoming omnivores. After decades of breeding and perfecting their DNA, pigeons can survive by eating trash, they get by; they get by drinking trash water. Yet in exchange, they are exposed to internal and external parasites and deadly diseases.
Pigeon drinking water on roadside in Hong Kong.
「他們在這裡排便和傳播細菌的原因,就是因為人們在餵他們!」 “The reason they’re here defecating and spreading germs all over the place is because people feed them!”
「如果我看見一隻鴿子,我不會碰它,我擔心會染上某種疾病。」“I wouldn’t touch a sick pigeon if I saw one, I’d worry about contracting some sort of disease.”
Health workers cull fowl at a rural yard in China’s Chuxiong City in 2005.
迷思 The Misconception
其中一個根深蒂固的迷思,就是鴿子是傳播疾病 (禽流感等) 的主要途徑。但很多人不是多的是,鴿子的基因令他們擁有著強化了的免疫系統,成為很多病毒的最終宿主,包括禽流感。
實際上,根據Panigrahy et al. 1996 年,通過靜脈(IV)或經鼻腔,將在雞和鴯鶓身上找到的禽流感病毒注入了鴿子身上;鴿子由8到32個月大不等。 21天後,所有鴿子身上都找不到病毒抗。鴿子的咽部或排泄位置和內部器官均不含禽流感病毒。
One of the deep-rooted misconception people share about pigeons, is that these birds are one of the main source in spreading diseases (the avian flu included). But little did they know, the nearly perfect DNA of pigeons, possess a strong immune system and is the “End Host” of many viruses.
According to findings by the World Health Organisation (WHO) from 2002, comparative studies involving pigeons and other bird species showed pigeons were resistant or minimally susceptible to coming down with bird flu.
Subsequent studies on pigeons sampled in China, Japan, Turkey, Romania and Ukraine suggest that pigeons have played a minimal role in the spread of the H5N1 avian flu virus, which emerged in 2004.
In fact, Panigrahy et al. 1996 introduced pigeons to AIV from chickens and emus. They gave 8 to 32 month-old pigeons AIV through intravenous (IV) or nasal passage. Virus antibody titers were not present after 21 days. Both choanal or cloacal swabs and internal organs were free of the virus.
Pigeons given the virus did not spread it to chickens in direct contact. In short, pigeons are quite resistant to infection of avian influenza virus (AIV).
Wild bird migration is only associated with the spread of H5N1 in China, the study reported.
未來 The Future
其實通過引入鴿舍 (就像古代的鴿子塔一樣),並且將受精蛋換成假蛋,很容易地就可以解決他們的數量過多問題。
很多城市都禁止餵飼雀鳥,他們都希望這些野鴿的數量會在沒有適當食物供應的情況下慢慢減少。但實際的事,就像巴塞爾大學病理研究所說:“禁止餵飼鴿子,他們生活在 '貧民窟' 狀的環境中,這會造成各種健康和環境問題。”
Mike Tyson and his pet pigeon.
Picasso and his pigeon.
Picasso’s painting of pigeons
Over population
The truth is, their over-population can easily be fixed with the introduction of pigeon loft (just like towers like the ancient times) with the help of switching out fertilised eggs with fake eggs.
Many cities are banning bird feeding, praying that the number of these feral pigeons would decline in time without having proper food supply. “Prohibited pigeon-feeding, bird living in ‘slum-like’ conditions, is causing a variety of health and environmental problems." said the University of Basel's Institute of Pathology.
However, Switzerland, has shown the world success in using the method mentioned, not only minimising, but in fact, reducing the number of pigeons by 50% in just 4 years. Click here to read more.
In Germany, there are lofts in almost 40 cities and there are also some in Belgium, France, Italy and the U.K.
So where will the future of pigeons lie? Are we going to turn a blind eye to the problem and try to stay away from our responsibilities? Or are we going to set our wrong doings right, and extend our help to these misunderstood creatures.