本港虐殺雀鳥事件並不罕見,近年更有上升趨勢,如大埔鷺鳥林在8日內發生3宗活捉鷺鳥事件、長沙灣大叔至少四度生擒鴿子等等。 雖然根據香港法例第170章(野生動物保護條例),所有野生雀鳥均受法例保護,違例者最高刑罰為罰款10萬及監禁1年,未經許可管有或使用捕獸器亦屬違法,最高刑罰為罰款20萬及監禁3年;但香港虐殺雀鳥事件並未有改善及被正視的趨向。香港救援鳩鴿及雀鳥致力提倡正確和有效的人鳥共融方法,為香港的雀鳥爭取他們應有的生存權利。
Hong Kong law currently mandates a low level of animal welfare, and cases of animal cruelty and abuse (especially in birds) are increasing in an alarming rate. Herons were caught live in TaiPo, middle aged man catching pigeons live in Cheung Sha Wan and Mong Kok multiple times e.t.c. Under the WILD ANIMALS PROTECTION ORDINANCE, upon conviction, the maximum penalty is a fine of $100,000 and 1 year of jail time. HKPDR is committed to advocating positive and effective methods in bringing a harmonious living environment for both the birds and the citizens in Hong Kong.