香港救援鳩鴿及雀鳥於 2016年成立,開設初期,原意本為提供平台給于同路人分享經驗。透過『人人都是義工』的理念,將愛與行動升級,令所有人都有能力『自己見到自己救』。
然而,鳩鴿及雀鳥的生存空間越見狹小,被虐殺被趕絕的情況屢見不鮮。 所以群組成立一年之後再設立 香港救援鳩鴿及雀鳥情報區,希望透過群組宣揚正確信息,感染更多人去接受並容納與鳩鴿及雀鳥共存,生活在同一天空下。 更多人去 『為無聲 發聲』。
Founded in 2016, Hong Kong Pigeon and Dove Rescue is a community platform formed by heart-warming citizens, aiming at sharing rescue experiences in the city. Spreading the vision of “Every Rescue Starts with You”, and working towards the mission of “You See It, You Save It”.
Yet, the avian life in Hong Kong is tougher than ever. Animal abuse and cruelty are frequently witnessed. In 2017, Hong Kong Pigeon and Dove Rescue Group was founded, to provide practical and useful rescue information for readers.
Hoping to dethrone all stereotypes of feral birds, taking one step at time in helping the city of Hong Kong in co-existing with our feathery friends. Be the Voice of the Voiceless.
HKPDR的開始 -
我們於2016年開始進行救援工作時,是因為動物福利界別中,存在著一個奇怪而致命的空隙。動物收容所每星期都會收到受傷和患病的馴養 (無法野放的) 鴿子和野鳥。但是,他們所得到的照顧並不與其他動物對等。當他們受傷或有問題時,大多數情況下都沒有人懂得處理,他們會被忽略,或者會直接安樂死。
儘管其他動物 (例如貓狗、兔子、鸚鵡,和爬行動物,野生動物和農場動物) 都被帶到收容所,至少會有一個專屬團體拯救他們,但是鴿子卻沒有。
When we started doing rescue work in 2016, it was because there was a strange and deadly gap in the animal welfare network. Shelters got in sick and injured domestic and feral (unreleasable) pigeons and doves every week but, instead of providing them with the care and service that all the other shelter animals received. When they are injured or needed help, they were for the most part ignored until they were euthanised.
While all the other animals brought to the shelters - the dogs and cats, rabbits and parrots, rodents and reptiles, wildlife and farmed animals - had at least one rescue dedicated to trying to save them, the pigeons did not.
無論作為食物或是傳遞信息的工具,人類一直在繁殖和使用鴿子。鴿子也被用於運動 (賽鴿) 和儀式 (釋放和平鴿)已有數千年的歷史了。從歷史中看見,人類和鴿子有著一個緊密的聯繫,那個空隙更顯得奇怪。
This gap is especially strange when we consider how closely connected humans and pigeons have been throughout history.
Humans have been breeding and using pigeons, as meat and messengers; for sport, hobby and ceremony, for thousands of years.
Did you know, pigeons were the first domesticated bird?
香港鳩鴿的情況 -
在亞洲 (香港、中國大陸和台灣),賽鴿和信鴿愛好者非常普及,他們繁殖著成千上萬隻自幼孵化的鴿子 (人手飼養),每季都在上空飛翔比賽。但是,卻沒有人拯救那些迷路或受傷的鴿子。
In Asia (Hong Kong, China, TaiWan), there are lots of pigeon racing clubs and hobbyists breeding thousands of domestic birds (hand-reared since hatching) which fly the wild skies every year. But no one was rescuing the pigeons who predictably get lost or injured.
In Hong Kong, pigeons and doves have an unshakable stigma.
”They have the avian flu, it could kill you.”, “ They are dirty”, “Pigeons are flying rats”……
我們為他們發聲,我們打破迷思,激發同理心。鴿子不會傳播疾病。他們沒有禽流感。在街道上覓食的鴿子其實非常聰明;他們懂得識別人臉;他們一夫一妻;他們值得被愛 - 正如我們所有人一樣。
我們提供不同的救援指導,生命教育,小鳥寄養和重新安置的服務。自2016年開始以來,有賴於志願者,捐贈者和有心人的支持,我們每月平均協助多達 40多隻小鳥。
We believe that all living creatures deserve compassion, all earthlings deserve a chance. We advocate for pigeons and doves - all of them- wild, feral and domestic – all year round. We know that pigeons are a gateway to compassion. The city of Hong Kong is bound with these birds, all citizens will encounter the feral Rock Pigeons who are somehow able to live their gentle lives on our mean streets. This city needs to learn to co-exist with them.
We speak up for them, we debunk the myths, and we inspire compassion. Pigeons don’t spread disease. They do not have the avian flu. Those pigeons foraging for crumbs on our sidewalks are highly intelligent; they remember and recognize faces; they mate for life; They deserve compassion - just like we all do.
We provide guidance, referrals, education, foster care, and re-homing services. Thanks to the support of our many volunteers and donors, we have helped an average of 40 birds and more each month.
Thank Coo for your support and compassion.