So you decided to keep your rescue pigeon as pet! Congratulations, you are in for a treat.
But you want your new companions to roam around poop free, so they don’t have to always be confined to a cage and instead can join you around the house.
Pigeon pants allow you to do just that!
只需要在飛行衣內鋪上吸濕力強的紙巾,或有飼養貓狗的尿墊 (剪成一小塊) 就可以有尿片的功效。
All you have to do, is to put a small piece of folded tissue paper (or a panty liner cut in half), the pants will then serve as a diaper. Once clothed, they can be set free to walk around the house, or sit with us on our laps or shoulders. The “diaper” portion needs to be changed every 2-4 hours.
Flying harness is another great invention. It allows you to take your flying companion with you. Yet being outdoors, owners have to be careful especially if your birbo is easily spooked.
Pigeon pants and harnesses are mainstream accessories in Europe. Aside from ordering yours from other countries, you can also customise your own with our Hong Kong local brands.