鴿子和斑鳩以種子和穀物類為主食,你可以在 園圃街雀鳥花園 (雀仔街) 購買預先混合好的鴿糧。也可以從超市購買到簡單而有營養的「十穀米」暫時替代。至於水,任何時候小鳥都應有大量乾淨的食水 (每天更換放在乾淨的盤子中)。

Pigeons and doves eat seeds and grains and you can buy pre-mixed blends called pigeon feed at the bird market in Hong Kong, but, until you can get that, you can feed them seed mix which are easily bought from supermarkets. For water, plenty of clean, fresh water sources at all times (served in a clean dish every day).


主要食糧 Seed Mix


Pigeons and doves are seeds and grains eater. Corn, peas, lentils, quinoa, green beans, buckwheat e.t.c are suitable mix.

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合成糧 Pallets

多樣配方, 專為雀鳥提供足夠的營養。
Harrison’s 經鳥類獸醫和頂級禽類營養學家調製,有機,無基因改造的營養配方。

Harrison’s bird pallets are formulas that provide proper nutrition for all birds. Organic, non GMO-verified, all formulated diets that were created by avian veterinarians and top avian nutritionists.



  • 鴿糧任食的壞處:大部分被寵幸嘅鴿哥鴿姐都揀飲擇食,會揀晒鍾意食嗰啲,再食冇咁鍾意嗰啲,有限度提供就會食晒大部分,「任食」會導致營養不均勻,肥唔代表健康

  • 一般嘅鴿鳩每日需要體重10% 份量穀物,建議每朝相同時間磅一次糧俾佢地,e.g. 體重300克就磅30grams 糧(份量可再觀察調整)

  • 磅糧呢個好習慣亦可令主人留意到阿鴿阿9嘅胃口,及早發現異樣

  • 建議每月磅一次主子體重記錄,如體重下降生病都可及早發現

  • 多曬太陽,唔隔玻璃曬,想唔靚都難 ☺