How to Catch a Pigeon or Dove in Need of Rescue
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首先,請放心,捕捉鴿子是十分安全。你不會嚇到鴿子死亡,牠亦不會心臟病發。鴿子對我們無害,他們不能真正的咬人 (牠們沒有牙齒,嘴巴柔軟無力),而且被鴿子傳染疾病而生病的可能性極低。你可以從雀鳥身上感染的疾病十分少,其實比從狗或貓身上感染疾病的可能性還要高。處理任何動物後,簡單的用梘液洗手,保持個人衛生,就可以將患病的機率降低到幾乎為零。
First, rest assured that catching a pigeon is indeed possible, and safe - for both the bird and for you. Your catching the bird will be a lot safer for her than if a predator catches her. You will not scare a pigeon to death or give her a heart attack. And pigeons are harmless to us.
They can’t really bite (no teeth and their beak is soft and weak) and, contrary to popular belief, you are highly unlikely to ever be made sick by a pigeon. There are very few diseases that you can catch from them and you are far, far more likely to get sick from a dog or cat (or be struck by lightning, actually).
Simple soap-and-water hand washing after handling any animal can reduce the chances of illness to near zero.
1. 徒手捕捉
With Bare Hands
此為最安全和最快捷的救援方法。求助人經常告訴我們,他們找到了一隻看起來異常的馴服和友善的鴿子,並任由發現人撿起。但請留意,如果你能撿起牠,那很有可能代表著鴿子真的需要幫忙。牠可能十分飢餓,脫水或受傷。HKPDR (在此處加入)可以幫助你,為你提供有關鳥類的緊急情況和支持服務的建議。
People often tell us that they have found a pigeon that seems exceptionally tame and friendly and allowed itself to be picked up. If you can just pick it up, though, there’s a good chance that the pigeon is in real trouble. It may be starving, dehydrated, and/or injured. HKPDR (join here) can help you and will advise you on getting the bird emergency and supportive care.
2. 進逼到牆角
Using Tools
A bird that tries to get away from you, but is weak or unable to fly, can often be walk-herded into a corner or inside through an open door and then caught (by hand or with a blanket, towel, or sweater). Drop the cloth over the bird and gently pick it up inside the cloth. Make sure the bird’s wings are folded against its sides, and hold it so that your hands encircle the wings and body, to prevent panicked flapping. A bird in this condition will likely need to be assessed by an expert.
3. 食物引誘
Food Trap
有時候,需要救援的雀鳥可能在我們觸及不到的地方上休息 (如屋檐上),最常成功地捕獲不願被捕獲的雀鳥的方法就是利用食物引誘。將種子和水放在籠子的尾端,再用一小串種子組成一條食物路,直達籠子的門 (注意不要太多喔!我們要保持小鳥的好奇心)。緊急情況下,白米、五穀、粟米、麥皮都可以。
Sometimes, we encounter birds that are lively yet in need of rescue. The method that most often succeeds in catching a bird that is unwilling to be caught, is the crate-and-string method. Put seeds and water deep in the center of the cage (beyond the reach of a clever bird who pokes her head in from the sides or back), and a thin trail of seeds leading up to the cage door (not too much, the bird needs to be hungry to risk entering what they know is a trap). When emergencies, uncooked white rice, quinoa, even oatmeal will do.