I captured a pigeon in need,
now what?
If you’ve just found the bird and don’t know where to start, see here for first aid advice. If you can catch easily the pigeon, it pretty much needs help of some sort.
把小鳥帶到安全地方 -
Take the bird to a safe place -
我們經常收到救助個案,發現人由於各種原因,無法帶走需要救援的雀鳥,而當下位志願者到達雀鳥發現地點,小鳥已經不知所終 (有好幾次志願者從街上的垃圾桶中發現該小鳥們)。所以,就算你趕著要離開現場,請把雀鳥安置在安全的地方 (如朋友家、鄰居的家、工作室等), 好讓下一位志願者可以聯絡你並成功接走鳥兒。
We always receive rescue calls and people saying they cannot take the birds in need with them because of various reasons. Yet when the next volunteer showed up at the site, the bird was nowhere to be found (we found the birds inside trash bins a few times!). So please, even when you are in a hurry, place the bird in a carton box and bring it to a safe location (can be the home of your friends, your neighbours, even your workplace) so the next rescuer can contact you and pick up the bird successfully.
家中有其他寵物 -
You have other pets at home -
就算你沒有打算長養小鳥,把獲救小鳥帶回家中作暫時的急救和安置亦是十分安全的。只要將小鳥用盒子隔開就可以了。按下面按鈕了解更多 -
Even if you have other pets at home, dogs and cats, it is perfectly safe for you to bring the bird in need home, separate it with a carton box or crate. Press the button below to learn more about pets and pigeons.
施予急救 -
First aid -
After settling the bird, please perform basic inspection and first aid care for the bird: keep warm, hydrate, isolate, check for breathing conditions and wounds.